
Across-countryadventurethroughthedesert,thebigcity,ominousMt.Itoi,andadreamworldcalledMagicant.,A12-year-oldboywhojourneysaroundtheworldusinghispsychicpowerstocollecteightmelodiesinordertosavetheplanetfromanevilraceofmind- ...,EarthBoundBeginnings(Japanese:マザーMother)isthefirstinstallmentintheMotherseries.ItwasdevelopedbyApeInc.,NintendoTokyoR&DProducts, ...,ThegamefollowsayoungAmericanb...

MOTHER EarthBound Zero

A cross-country adventure through the desert, the big city, ominous Mt. Itoi, and a dream world called Magicant.

Mother 1 + 2 | EarthBound Wiki

A 12-year-old boy who journeys around the world using his psychic powers to collect eight melodies in order to save the planet from an evil race of mind- ...

EarthBound Beginnings

EarthBound Beginnings (Japanese: マザー Mother) is the first installment in the Mother series. It was developed by Ape Inc., Nintendo Tokyo R&D Products, ...

Mother (video game)

The game follows a young American boy named Ninten as he uses his great-grandfather's studies on psychic powers to put an end to the paranormal phenomena. Gameplay · Plot · Emulation · Legacy

[達人專欄] [孤舟古早味遊戲談] MOTHER 地球冒險記

遊戲人數: 1人. 作品分級: 全年齡. 製作廠商: PaxSoftNica. 發行廠商: 任天堂. 閱讀前說明. 1. 為方便回憶,本文有一定程度的劇透(雷),請特別留意. 2. 文中 ...

【勇者電玩屋】GBA正日版-稀有品地球冒險MOTHER 1+2(A)

供應中 評分 5.0 (1) 【勇者電玩屋】GBA正日版-稀有品地球冒險MOTHER 1+2(A). 1/2. $1,200. 蝦皮優選. 【勇者電玩屋】GBA正日版-稀有品地球冒險MOTHER 1+2(A).

EarthBound Beginnings

EarthBound Beginnings, also known by its Japanese name Mother (Japanese: マザー, stylized as MOTHER) and sometimes retroactively referred to as Mother 1 ...

Mother 1 + 2 English - Fan Translation GBA DS

評分 3.3 (20) 說明. 母親1+2 是由母親(EarthBound Zero) 和MOTHER 2 (EarthBound) 組成的彙編,於2003 年夏天在日本為Game Boy Advance發行。 在此版本中,Mother 1 已獲得完整的英文翻譯, ...

Hot take: mother 1 is an objectively bad game : rearthbound

The story is immaculate. I think the lore is interesting and I like the characters and their designs lot. However as a game it is infuriating to play.


《地球冒險》(日版名:MOTHER,英文版名:EarthBound Beginnings,又譯作「媽媽」)是由任天堂的糸井重里創作,任天堂發行的角色扮演遊戲(RPG),僅於1989年在日本上市,遊戲 ...